Winter Warmers Coffee & Tea House, Juru Autocity

>> Monday, October 25, 2010

On my birthday, my friends and I had a date for my lunch celebration.
We went to Winter Warmers

 The environment is very warm and comfortable
It's very suit the title "Winter Warmers"
It is suitable for the couple who wants a quiet place to date
It also suitable place for gossiping ^^
 Ice Mix Fruit Tea
It served with a jug and a wine glass
 Seafood Spaghetti 
The sauce is milky creamy sauce
And it is yummy and the seafood is fresh
Teriyaki Chicken Rice
Looks like Hainan Chicken Rice :p
 Nestum Oat Chicken
The chicken thigh is so big
It is very fulfilling 
 forget what this meal call jor..
paiseh a..
My friend said the spaghetti look like tauge ^^
 Fruity Chicken
The chicken is full of the flavour of fruits
Spaghetti Caraborra 

The foods and drinks are nice and affordable
The amount of the foods is big..
So take the time to eat and enjoy the environment

Lastly group photo!!!
credit to Jessie Lim


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